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April 17, 2011

The blackout

So, turning your Twitter avatar black inexplicably failed to have any effect.

What’s the next part of the plan?

April 17, 2011 in Current Affairs, Web | Permalink


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I understand that the organising is happening at Facebook. I haven't joined the group myself yet. Some talk of a referendum has made it into my feed, which sounds barmy.

The avatar change thing is a rubbish protest in and of itself, but it is good at raising awareness and generating a sense of solidarity, two things that I think are quite valid.

Posted by: morgue at Apr 17, 2011 11:57:50 AM

Hah, I knew I should have just emailed you and asked. And yeah, I understand the importance of small gestures to express solidarity/support -- activism is not for everybody -- just worrying that in my circle at least nobody was talking about following through. Reassured to hear that the issue won't be allowed to go away.

Posted by: Ivan at Apr 17, 2011 12:24:38 PM