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July 24, 2010
F# pattern matching for beginners, part 5: more useful patterns
In this part, I want to briefly mention some useful patterns that I haven’t covered in the previous instalments. I’m not going to cover everything, but if you want to know more, the F# documentation contains a full list of patterns with examples.
Record patterns
In addition to tuples, F# supports record types, which have named members like C# or Visual Basic classes. A record pattern is like a tuple pattern, but identifies members by name instead of by position. It uses curly brace syntax, with semicolon separators if multiple fields are involved in the pattern.
type Person = {
Name : string;
Age : int
let isBob person =
match person with
| { Person.Name = "bob" } -> true
| _ -> false
> isBob { Name = "bob"; Age = 40 };; val it : bool = true > isBob { Name = "alice"; Age = 50 };; val it : bool = false
Obviously, you’re not restricted to a constant expression: you can use a variable expression to capture the decomposed values:
let getAgeIfBob person =
match person with
| { Person.Name = "bob"; Person.Age = age } -> Some age
| _ -> None
Type testing
A type test pattern is like the C# is operator: it matches if the matched item is an instance of the specified type. Its syntax is :? followed by the type name. The result of a successful match is strongly-typed to the specified type, and you can use an as pattern to capture this strongly-typed value into a variable so you can access type-specific members.
let sizeof (obj : Object) =
match obj with
| :? int -> Some 4
| :? string as s -> Some s.Length
| _ -> None
> sizeof 123;; val it : int option = Some 4 > sizeof "hibble bibble";; val it : int option = Some 13 > sizeof DateTime.Now;; val it : int option = None
Note we could not have called Length on obj directly, because the F# compiler would complain that Object doesn’t have a Length property. Hence the need to capture the result of the :? string pattern: the F# compiler knows that this is of type string, so it is safe to access the Length property.
Other patterns
For other patterns defined by F#, see the Patterns topic in the documentation.
But what if you have classification and decomposition logic that can’t be readily expressed using the compiler-defined patterns? In the final part of this series, we’ll look at how you can extend the F# pattern system with your own active patterns.
July 24, 2010 in Software | Permalink
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