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August 09, 2006

Short memories

John Reid says that the UK faces its "most sustained period of severe threat since the end of World War II."

For Dr Reid's reference, I append a useful table showing a strictly random sample of threats since World War II:

Threat Severity Sustained for
A few dozen suicidal maniacs with backpacks full of explosives Bad Five years and counting
A hostile superpower with a million Hiroshimas at its fingertips using the UK as target practice Quite a lot worse 30+ years

Admittedly this table omits one threat, but I'm sure that can't be the one Dr Reid is thinking about...

Threat Severity Sustained for
Editorial in the Daily Mail lambasting the Home Office for allowing human rights considerations to get in the way of shooting brown people To John Reid's career Until The Sun trumps it with a new paedophilia story, i.e. several whole days

August 9, 2006 in Current Affairs | Permalink


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