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August 09, 2006
Short memories
John Reid says that the UK faces its "most sustained period of severe threat since the end of World War II."
For Dr Reid's reference, I append a useful table showing a strictly random sample of threats since World War II:
Threat | Severity | Sustained for |
A few dozen suicidal maniacs with backpacks full of explosives | Bad | Five years and counting |
A hostile superpower with a million Hiroshimas at its fingertips using the UK as target practice | Quite a lot worse | 30+ years |
Admittedly this table omits one threat, but I'm sure that can't be the one Dr Reid is thinking about...
Threat | Severity | Sustained for |
Editorial in the Daily Mail lambasting the Home Office for allowing human rights considerations to get in the way of shooting brown people | To John Reid's career | Until The Sun trumps it with a new paedophilia story, i.e. several whole days |
August 9, 2006 in Current Affairs | Permalink
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