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August 26, 2006
Links on the UK airplane bomb plot
Craig Murray: "Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed the details of this amazing plot to blow up multiple planes - which, rather extraordinarily, had not turned up in a year of surveillance. Of course, the interrogators of the Pakistani dictator have their ways of making people sing like canaries... you can get the most extraordinary information this way." Murray is a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, who was forced out after criticising the human rights record of the Uzbek government.
Analysis of the chemistry involved: "On an airplane, the whole thing is ridiculous. You have nothing to cool the mixture with. You have nothing to control your mixing with. You can't take a day doing the work, either. You are probably locked in the tiny, shaking bathroom with very limited ventilation, and that isn't
going to bode well for you living long enough to get your explosives manufactured. In short, it sounds, well, not like a very good idea."
The Register on movie plot threats: "What do these experts know about chemistry? Less than they know about lobbying for Homeland Security pork, which is what most of them do for a living. But they've seen the same movies that you and I have seen, and so the myth of binary liquid explosives dies hard."
August 26, 2006 in Current Affairs | Permalink
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